Monday, May 10, 2010

Another Mother's Day

Mother's Day came and went and I'm always most grateful for the handmade cards containing thoughts and thanks from the kids. We're not into big gifts for these occasions, preferring token items of affection. Still, the following YouTube video sums it up best for me: it's the ordinary days of motherhood that are most precious.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bloom Where You're Planted

The Scholarship School won. Well, we thought it would, just because it's too hard to turn down that kind of money. But DD18 has a very soft spot for the The Other School, so she wrote them a nice note declining admission but saying if she wasn't happy she'd reapply and hoped they'd accept her again.

I told her to "bloom where you're planted." But of course, we could always transplant her if necessary. I could not stand to see her unhappy.

Now, my next worry (you knew there would be one, didn't you?) is the roommate selection process. Unless we're still to receive more paperwork, the form only asks three simple housing questions. That doesn't seem right.

And, due to overcrowding, The Scholarship School has forced triples for 30% of the freshmen class. It's hard to remember back to my college days, but as a mother I think that's way too many kids in one small room. Not sure how DD18 will feel, but for now she is not worried. I'm thinking of her health, of course. More germs, less sleep.

This letting go process is very hard. Yes, I am a helicopter parent.