Thursday, October 21, 2010


Another one. Lately they've been lasting 48 hours, or two nights. Today I pushed myself to drive 40 minutes for my allergy shots, and was hoping to feel lucid enough to food shop on the way home, but really, really, couldn't do it. (I probably shouldn't have been driving.) I had to come straight home and take more meds, which put me on the couch but didn't really knock the migraine out. The current meds just seem to dull the pain enough for me to almost stand it until the migraine wears itself out. I like Imitrex much, much better but my doctor took me off of it because of the risk of side effects.

My migraines started about 10 years ago. I feel really, really sorry for anyone who has had them since childhood. And unless you've had one, you have no idea how bad they are nor the (temporary) havoc they can wreak on your schedule and life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Quick Sauteed Spinach

We must eat spinach at least three times a week, especially lately. That's because I've been craving it, which suggests to me I must need whatever nutrients it contains. Spinach is rich in Vitamins K, A, and C, as well as iron. Of course, the old Popeye cartoons spring to mind whenever I make spinach...maybe it will help my biceps and I can lay off the weights!

Prevention magazine printed a tasty spinach recipe a few months ago which I've made several times, and will probably make again tonight. Although the recipe calls for baby spinach leaves, I've successfully used frozen spinach. I know I've mentioned this before, but I always pick up several bags of frozen organic spinach when I food shop. They're an easy way to keep this vegetable handy. And honestly, the spinach E. coli scare of a few years ago makes me a bit squeamish towards fresh spinach.

The Prevention recipe has you saute some sliced garlic in a bit of olive oil for about a minute. Then you add 1/4 cup of raisins and 1/4 cup of chicken broth (you could use water) and cook until broth is evaporated, about 1 or 2 minutes. Add 1 lb. of baby spinach (this amount is flexible, but fresh spinach does cook down to almost nothing), and stir until wilted, about 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with 2 tsp. of honey.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Walk Through a Nature Preserve

Today was a lazy Columbus Day. DD18 had school, but the boys were home. We took S13 to the local Audubon Society Sanctuary, although that involved some discussion. He didn't want to come without his brother, but S16 had homework. And I think S13 maybe just doesn't want to hang with his parents...hmmm, a new development for sure.

Anyway, we went and had a lovely, peaceful walk. I don't think we'd been for a few years (shame on us, it's so close by) but life gets busy and we almost never have free time on the weekends anymore. And I'm not a huge fan of the place in the summer, what with the poison ivy and mosquitos and ticks. It's much more interesting in the other seasons.

In the Fall, the leaves are turning and some have already dropped due to our hot summer and stressed trees. The views across the marshes and lake from the boardwalk are clearer with a few less leaves. Today, since it was in the mid-60s, we saw so many turtles sunning themselves on lily pads or rock islands. One island was covered by turtles, and it was funny to watch other turtles swim up and try to climb on, only to fall off back into the water since it was so crowded.

We also saw three huge swans nesting in the woods off the marsh. Once, a few years ago, we had come upon one on a path and it hissed at us as we tried to pass by. They are sort of scary, although beautiful.

A wave of melonchaly came upon me as we walked with S13, remembering all the walks we took when the kids were smaller and in awe of nature. But today I did catch glimpses of the little boy hidden in the big thirteen-year-old body. He couldn't resist tossing sticks into the water and watching them float downstream. And he couldn't help but run off the paths and climb onto the big boulders in the woods and shout excitedly about the view from up there.

We didn't go in to the Nature Center because it was closed, but next time we'll go check out the mini wildlife museum in the basement, with stuffed specimens of local animals. It looked like the building had had some renovation work, and I suspect the museum might have benefitted, too.

We had let our membership lapse, but I will renew now because I'm reminded how precious these places really are and how much they need our support.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Food at College

So D18 is not loving the food at college. I never thought of her as picky, but I think she's evolved into a thoughtful eater. Where is the food coming from? Are the apples local? Anything organic? She toured enough colleges last year to realize these are selling points for some schools, and would like her school to become more sensitive to these issues.

A bigger problem is that the "nut-sensitive" cafeteria has bread with walnuts sharing the same toaster as nut-free bread. And the cream cheese, butter, and jellies aren't individually wrapped, so cross-contamination is a distinct possibility.

I suggested she voice her concerns to various higher-ups, so now she's on a committee to address food issues. Heh. Her school values activists, so I think she's fitting in just fine. She's not sure what the time commitment is yet, but she's raised some valid points that were, surprisingly, never considered before, so she's determined to make a difference. After all, everyone needs to eat and looking forward to mealtime is sometimes the best part of the day (if I'm remembering my college days correctly).

There are some good things about the cafeterias. The fresh fruit smoothies are apparently awesome, and the omelet station uses cage-free eggs if you ask. The stir-fry station has a varied assortment of veggies and sauces, and lots of protein choices. The pasta station is pretty good, too, from what D18 says. Yesterday she discovered that the grill serves turkey burgers along with beef burgers, and she might investigate further to see if veggie burgers are offered, too. Dessert is off-limits, since it's not made in-house and therefore could contain nuts, but the nut-allergic kids make do with soft-serve ice cream when they want something sweet.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Finally Fall

Big sigh of's finally cooled down here. I think we've had almost five months of hot weather, and we're all sick of it. Dare I say it? I'm even tired of fresh tomatoes. Lately I've been loving squash at every meal, in any form: baked, steamed, mashed with or without butter and brown sugar. I don't think I could live in a place without a change of season. A change in menus, clothing, where to exercise (inside or outdoors), recharges me.

Today it's flu shots for the boys. This year there is no panic, and not even a rush. D18 got her shot easily enough at school, and I'll probably just get one at a local pharmacy. Then fingers crossed for a healthy winter, for all of us.