I try to avoid deli products, not liking those scary nitrates. Whole Foods and some supermarkets sell nitrate-free deli, but it tends to be very expensive. Tuna is okay, but not on a daily basis. DD17 is allergic to all nuts (thought to be a by-product of chemotherapy...a post for another day), so I won't have peanut butter in the house. It's too risky, with the chance for cross-contamination in the jelly jar too high.
I'll probably rely on leftovers from the night before, as much as I can. It's much easier when they're getting one meal out of the house during the school year, as the boys especially like to buy their lunch rather than bring it. They like the variety, I think. Yeah, I don't know what's in it, but I figure the 80-20 rule is in effect...eat healthy 80% of the time. Don't worry about the other 20%.
Besides, it can't be as bad the lunch I saw a kid eating at DS12's table last week when I was the lunch/recess volunteer: a Diet Coke and a package of cookies. (shudder)
Would yogurt work, or is dairy an issue? I pretty much live on Stonyfield Farms or Brown Cow plain low fat yogurt, as far as lunches are concerned. (And you can buy it in big tubs - less plastic waste.)
ReplyDeleteThere's also some decent low-fat cheese out there, too.
Fillyjonk, I eat Stonyfield almost daily for lunch, too. (Although lately I'm really liking Stonyfield's Oikos a lot.) My daughter often took yogurt to school for lunch this past year. They boys, however, tend to think of yogurt more as a dessert thing. I think boys need to chew something in order to be satisfied :-) They eat A LOT.