Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday Musings

This week has been dragging along. Maybe it's the time change, but we're all so tired. DS12 went to bed at 8:15 last night, and still had to be awakened at 6:15 a.m. today. I'm still adjusting to the darkness at 4:45 every feels like a surprise every day when I look outside and notice it.

This H1N1 vaccine shortage has been so frustrating. The kids and teachers at both schools are dropping like flies, but the numbers haven't reached a critical point yet. It seems as if they ebb and flow so that people are sick at different times. DD17 is amazed she hasn't caught the flu yet, since everyone around her is coughing. One teacher ordered a coughing student out of her classroom and sent her to the nurse, despite the student's objections. Very frustrating for everyone.

Our town had a Halloween candy "give back" day, where the kids were encouraged to give up some Halloween candy that would then be sent to the troops overseas. We sorted out at least half of the candy and dropped it off, with no arguments. Even DS12 agreed it was best to cut back on the candy and up the healthy snacks, given all the germs around. I generally let the kids eat as much candy as they want, since the gluttony usually lasts about a week only, but this year they finally seem to "get it." DD17 really hasn't eaten much candy at all since she was diagnosed with her nut allergy (although we do treat her occasionally to an order from Vermont Nut Free chocolate). And DS15 gets the connection between athletic performance and what he puts in his body, and he's had success in the sports he plays so he figures he's doing something right, nutritionally.

And I do remember when growing up there were always some kids around who weren't ever allowed candy or soda or cookies. They seemed to be the ones who used their lunch money to buy junk instead of lunch at school. And while I know the junk is everywhere today, and the kids (at least in elementary school) have so many occasions in school for candy/parties/etc. (which used to drive me crazy), I think banning everything doesn't teach a child to make good decisions. They have to understand the connection between what they put in their mouths and the effect it may have on their body or even their moods. Because eventually, they will be exposed to situations where they have to make the choice of what to eat or not eat. Arming a child with the knowledge of what to choose and when is infinitely better, I think, than never having exposed them to that choice at all.

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