Thursday, September 23, 2010


I'm back, and I'm going to try to re-start this blog. Well, it's always been at the back of my mind, but summer interfered. My computer is in the center of the house, and privacy is nil. And the College Stuff took up a lot of my energy, mostly mental, but it effectively zapped my intentions to keep blogging.

So, quick recap: D18 is safely ensconced in university, and loving it. Mostly, she loves the academics and has immersed herself in her schoolwork. But she's also found the students to be friendly and welcoming, which suits her personality, and she's joined several extra-curricular groups. (Well, her lab partner is the cut-throat pre-med horror story you always heard about, but she's learning to ignore her.) As a a non-judgemental person, she is accepting of all types of people, as long as they are kind. I think she was always like this, but I think her brain tumor experience heightened her sense of what's valuable in humankind.

S17 and S13 are back at it in school and sports, and I'm finding myself at loose ends. I've flirted with the idea of a part-time job, but we're skirting a fine line with financial aid as we look ahead to S17 applying to schools next year. This is an on-going debate in the college parent circle...working or not working, saving or not saving. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I guess I'll devote more time to this blog if I can and see what transpires as we go forward.

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