Monday, January 11, 2010

Late to the Party...Bittman's Almost No-Work Whole Grain Bread

I've written before how hard it is to buy good bread with few additives and no nuts. Homemade bread is the obvious answer, but realistically it's more an occasional occurrence than a regular event.

But I do like to experiment with bread baking, and I'm finally going to try Mark Bittman's recipe in Food Matters. I'll be honest...I tried making his Hybrid Quick Bread, and it was a disaster. The kids wouldn't touch it, and I didn't like it very much, either. It was tough and had no flavor. Maybe I'll try it again, just to figure out what went wrong.

Anyway, I won't reprint the recipe for Almost No-Work Whole Grain Bread, but it's a 12-24 hour project (mostly just letting the dough sit around) and I started it today. I'll try to post part two tomorrow, but meanwhile, here's how the dough looks right after mixing (I cheated and gave it a knead or two, and I added a cup of cornmeal instead of the third cup of wheat flour):

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