Friday, April 17, 2009

Sick kids and food

It feels like I can't get my head above water. DS12 has had a sore throat/fever/virus for a few days now. It's not strep, but I almost wish it was so that he could get some antibiotics and perhaps feel better sooner. Yes, I know antibiotics are overprescribed, but when you haven't slept for three nights due to a sick child, you get desperate.

He seems to want lots of comforting, starchy carbs so that's what's been on the menu for the last few days. But I did sneak in some lentil soup for the rest of us, so I'm hoping that will counteract all the pasta. Thank goodness lentils are now touted as one of the new "recession", good for you, etc. I can use that as a weapon on the rest of the family in my quest to put healthy, vegetable-heavy meals on the table. Not that I care that much what the media touts as trendy, but it's nice to have some validation.

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