Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What a Week

Trying to take care of older parents while one of them is hospitalized has been all-encompassing. My worry-meter was working overtime as I unwillingly stepped into my role in the "sandwich generation." (Who ever thinks their parents will get old?) Mom was in for back surgery while Dad needed to be supervised even though he'd deny it. But I think it's almost over. Mom should be home tomorrow and will likely recuperate just fine.

Back pain is tricky. I almost didn't quite believe how much pain she was in, and I should know better. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. She developed a synovial cyst in the spine, and the pressure on the nerve was tremendous. Hope I never go through something like that. I *have* had back pain, quite often, and of course it's never due to anything glamorous (tennis match, triathalon--yeah, right). It's usually because I bent down too quickly to pick up a stray sock.

On the home front, everything went well so at least that part of my life was calm.

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