Thursday, October 21, 2010


Another one. Lately they've been lasting 48 hours, or two nights. Today I pushed myself to drive 40 minutes for my allergy shots, and was hoping to feel lucid enough to food shop on the way home, but really, really, couldn't do it. (I probably shouldn't have been driving.) I had to come straight home and take more meds, which put me on the couch but didn't really knock the migraine out. The current meds just seem to dull the pain enough for me to almost stand it until the migraine wears itself out. I like Imitrex much, much better but my doctor took me off of it because of the risk of side effects.

My migraines started about 10 years ago. I feel really, really sorry for anyone who has had them since childhood. And unless you've had one, you have no idea how bad they are nor the (temporary) havoc they can wreak on your schedule and life.

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