Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Too young

This story has been the hot topic around here.

I'm surprised that a 24-year-old is considered responsible enough to transport thousands of people a day on public transportation. I don't think you can understand the fragility of life until you are much older, or have gone through a life-changing experience like having and being responsible for a child.

And while I've become as addicted to my cell phone as anyone else, I almost never text. It takes too much concentration. I can't imagine texting while driving, although I know many people do. I have made calls on my cell phone, but most of my calls are programmed into speed dial, and I think pressing one number is far different from typing a message. Splitting hairs, maybe. Of course, DD17 is prohibited from using her phone when driving, period. I know eventually she will, but I'm hoping she'll get lots more driving experience under her belt before that day.

Sometimes it's hard to remember that driving a car is like driving a two-ton weapon. You can kill yourself, or worse, kill someone else.

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