Thursday, January 21, 2010


The older two have midterms this week, which means a week of half or truncated days. And then turning around and heading back to school in the afternoon for activities. Mom the chauffeur here, since we don't have spare cars lying around for DD17 to use.

DS16 has his second (bad) cold in a month. He eats well and generally sleeps well, so I can't figure out what's going on. Of course, my instinct is that it's something I should be able to "fix" so I'm quite perturbed. He's a distance runner, so I'm wondering about stuff I've read lately about runners...that they're more prone to upper respiratory infections. It seems there's a point where excessive mileage suppresses the immune system. Marathoners are famously prone to illness the first few days after a race. He doesn't fall into that category of course, but I find the whole phenomenon interesting. Or it could just be that half the school is sick, as usual.

The sun is finally shining and it's above freezing! DD17 says she's happy to be home midday and see the sunshine flooding the house. She even said that while she didn't enjoy being sick or recuperating from medical issues, she did like being home during the day. OK, glad that made her happy.

Next week we have two days of hospital visits. Monday's a visit with both the radiation oncologist and pediatric oncologist. Tuesday is the MRIs. (They couldn't make everything fit in one day.) I'm trying not to think about it.

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