Monday, November 9, 2009

Feeding a Teenage Boy on the Go

We are a society on the go. Trying to eat healthy while away from home takes some thought and planning. Throw in picky appetites and other variables, and I don't think I'm always successful.

DS15 has an away-game tonight. They will be traveling about two hours each way (it's the playoffs) so he needed to pack food. The high school coach won't stop for fast food (thank goodness), but even if he did DS15 informed me he'd rather bring his own. So I sent him to school with a couple of soy-nut butter sandwiches and water bottles for the bus ride to the game...he won't have to worry about keeping them cold all day. And since my husband will go to the game, he's bringing a cooler with some roast beef subs and pumpkin muffins and will give them to DS15 after the game for the long ride home. I'd like to toss in some fruit too, but I didn't make it to the store in the last few days and we're running low on what DS15 likes.

I almost never buy deli anymore, because of the scary nitrates. However, when I'm desperate and need some sandwich fillings, I will get some high-quality deli roast beef. I figure roast beef has to have less preservatives than ham or turkey or bologna. Here in the Northeast, the brand Dietz and Watson claims to have less than 1% of ingredients I can't pronounce, at least in the roast beef (london broil). And considering I'll buy it maybe once every 3-4 months (if that), I figure it's OK.

I know Whole Foods carries nitrate-free deli, but it's not always convenient to get there and it's twice the price.

I'm running low on fresh fruits and vegetables because I spent most of the last few days under a blanket on the couch. I had a killer migraine that I could not shake, despite prescription medicine. It really took me down and I was quite ineffective around here. Today it's 90% gone, but the aftereffects make me very tired and not on my game at all. I think the weather this weekend contributed, since the temperature spiked rapidly. For me, weather changes can cause a doozy of a migraine.

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