Saturday, February 6, 2010

Online Math Tutoring: A Good Use of Screen Time

It seems like every month or so another study comes out describing the incredible amount of time kids spend online. Well, other than doing the obvious parental-type controls (no computers in bedroom, limiting texting, nanny-controls on the computer, etc.), I think we have to accept and even embrace our digital world. It's not going anywhere, and lots of it is good.

Here's an example. DD17 is taking A.P. Calculus. It's a fast-moving class with really bright kids, and she struggles with math. She's worked really, really hard to earn a spot in the class, and is doing well. However, she does need extra help understanding the difficult material, and the teacher is the impatient sort with only once-a-week extra help days.

So DD17 took it upon herself to search out options online, and found a favorite: When asked why she prefers this site after trying several others, she says she likes the videos (she's needs to see to understand) as well as the tutor's voice (she decided she could listen to him much longer than she could listen to some others).

Well, I think it's great. I was an introverted, math-phobic child, and a private online tutor would've been a dream come true. So when the scary studies about screen time make headlines, I think it's worth noting that the pros definitely outweigh the cons, at least in my book.

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