Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day

School's cancelled here, even before it starts to snow. Guess they expect almost a foot of snow, and don't want to chance trying to get the kids home later today. This is our first snow day this school year; the other snowstorms all fell on the weekends. DD17 is excited because seniors don't have to make up snow days in June.

Last night I made a turkey for dinner. I'd been feeling overwhelmed with what feels like the huge mountains of food I need to cook to satisfy three hungry teenagers. Given that I mostly avoid processed foods and we almost never eat out*, it's a lot of work. And given that winter meals are generally heartier (this, I believe, is natural and what our bodies need), it often feels like nonstop cooking. So while food shopping, I saw the turkeys in the meat department and a light bulb went on over my head: hmm, big meal...but then, lots of leftovers! Can't say they're all thrilled with this, but hey, mothers look at leftovers with appreciation.

So, thankfully, turkey sandwiches and maybe even turkey pot pie today...I love when I can cross the meal preparation chore off my list, or at least lessen it somewhat.

*Michelle Obama announced her anti-obesity campaign yesterday, and in one of her interviews said she encourages families to eat home-cooked meals once or twice a week. ??? I dunno, even when I was a working mother, I did my best to cook most nights of the week. (Well, I did make it home by a reasonable hour....) Who can afford eating out that often? And losing that much control over what we put in our bodies? (And I don't care who cooks--Dad can, too, if that's his skill set, or even the older kids.) Maybe I shouldn't judge, but I feel something's out of whack if the family has time to eat at home only very infrequently.

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