Monday, February 15, 2010

Vacation Week

Another vacation week...the school year starts to fly after the holidays. This week DS16 is starting Driver Ed, which begins with a week of in-class instruction. Since it is so time-consuming (9-3:30 every day), there's really no other choice than to sacrifice a vacation week. I can't believe I'll soon have a second teenage driver in the house. However, the process is so long and involved now that the laws have changed in our state that hopefully it will be quite a while before he gets his license (phew).

DD17 has, as usual, a lot of homework to plow through, but we will hopefully get some clothes shopping in as well as other fun stuff. I think she feels like she can breathe now that all the college applications are submitted (now we just wait). Senior year is very stressful, and I think more so than when I was that age.

I call DS13 the "drag-along child" since he ends up doing whatever the older two do, so he may end up shopping with the girls this week since his brother will be occupied. We'll probably make a few library trips, since he's my reader (or the one with the most time to read for pleasure). Other than that, I feel a week of just hanging out is good for him, since kids are so overscheduled. It's OK to be bored. (That's when I was most creative as a child.) Just got to keep the electronics at bay...

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